Spencer in Soonerland

One lazy afternoon, Spencer Rattler and Drake Stoops were sitting on campus at OU with nothing to do. Drake was reading the football playbook and Spencer was bored just watching the squirrels run by. Out of nowhere, Spencer sees Boomer and Sooner run by them and up the South Oval. They were looking at their wristwatches saying that they were going to be late. Spencer was confused because usually, they don't talk. Drake had his head so deep in the playbook that he didn't even notice them run by. What might they have to be late for? He decides to get up and follow them. They run and jump inside a hole at the top of the South Oval outside of the Bizzell Memorial Library. With nothing better to do that day, he decides to take a leap of faith (literally) and follow them in. Spencer begins to fall for what seems like forever. It's mostly dark, but he is able to make out what objects are falling around him. He sees football gear, jerseys, locker room sn...