Week 8 Comments and Feedback


    Overall, I find the comments received from other students to be mostly helpful. The comments with more structure that give both positive and negative feedback are the most helpful, because they show you what you're doing well AND what you could improve on, instead of one or the other. I would say that my comments that I leave for other students are also helpful because I try to emphasize on methods like the WWW that also give suggestions. Analyzing others' writing style definitely helps with my personal creativity and how I can improve. I love being able to read through people's introductions and comment on them because although we are online, it still feels personal. In the future, I need to focus on actually implementing some. of the suggestions given to me instead of just reading them, but I don't think my physical comment wall or introduction needs work itself.

This was the first image I came across but it resonated within me really well. Just because you receive negative criticism does not mean your work is bad, and that's something I struggle with!


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