Reading Notes: adam and eve, part A

  •  God made man and woman and ordered them to replenish the earth, and filled the earth with food for them to eat
  • God created the earth for 6 days and rested on the seventh
  • God created a garden in Eden where he planted the man to watch it and ordered him to eat from every tree but the tree of good and evil 
  • the man adam named every creature in earth as God brought them to him
  • God put a deep sleep on adam and took his rib then closed the flesh so he could make womankind
  • the man and woman were companions and were both naked in the garden of Eden 
  • a serpent came to the garden and asked eve if they could eat from any tree in the garden, and she said any tree but the one in the middle 
  • the serpent told her that if they ate from it they'll be fine, god doesn't know if they'll die, and if they eat from it they'll be gods 
  • adam and eve ate the apples and immediately became aware they were naked, so they clothed themselves
  • adam and eve admitted that the serpent told them to eat the apple, and God cursed the snake to only be able to slither
  • god clothed them and banished them from the garden of eden
  • adam came from god physically perfect and fully grown 
  • god revealed to adam the whole history of mankind before he breathed life into eve 
  • adam was wise, and invented his own name, the name of god, and the names of all animals
  • the angels in heaven were jealous of adam, so god had to mediate in order for the angels to not set him on fire 
  • satan refused to pay homage to adam, and demanded a trial of wit with god 
  • god said he would bring every animal in front of him and he could have a place in gods garden if he could name every animal correctly 
  • satan failed to name the animals and adam did, and satan still refused to pay homage to him
  • the angel Michael told him to pay homage before he faced gods wrath but he did not, so god flung him out of heaven 
  • god put adam in a sleep with the intent to give him children, but the earth quaked as it did not have enough food 
  • lilith was given to adam as a wife, but she flew away and vanished in the air 
  • god sent 3 angels to capture her, and said if she doesn't go back then 100 of her demon children will die every day. she takes her revenge by punishing baby boys on the first night of their life and baby girls for the first 20 days 
  • the women formed by god were all with fault and not chaste
  • the garden of eden is the first place that souls go, and then through the seven portals before heaven 
  • in heaven, adam and eve were served by the angels like royalty, and the couple was feared by the angels 
  • the serpent was intellectually superior and that's how he was able to persuade eve 
  • eve saw the angel of death after she ate the fruit so she made adam eat it too that way he couldn't be remarried 
  • eve then gave the fruit to every living being, except for a bird who denied it 
  • adam uttered blasphemies against god, so he did not receive divine forgiveness, and would not come to god 
  • god stripped adam of his celestial clothing, turned his food to bad, and he would have an evil inclination 
  • the earth suffered many punishments because of adam
  • god dismissed them from paradise
adam and eve 
source:NY Times

Adam and Eve. The Legends of the Jes, Ginzberg. Source


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