Feedback Strategies
What Kind of Messages Help Kids Grow?
I really liked this article because the way that parents speak to their children is so important. Alot of children who don't receive praise for cognitive landmarks do not have the confidence to step out of their comfort zone when they are older. I liked how they included to be specific with your feedback reinforcement and not just say good job, but say what they did well.
How to Provide Great Feedback When You're Not In Charge
Providing feedback to others can be hard, because you don't want to tear down another person's confidence or hurt the feelings. This article does a great job of highlighting the different components of constructive criticism, because just because it's criticism doesn't mean it can't show praise. The article says to always appreciate, which is great advice, then offer advice to improve their work, and only evaluate their performance when necessary.
One of my favorite teachers had a feedback strategy called a compliment sandwich; she gave us praise, then constructive criticism, then more praise.
Source: Adzuna
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