My favorite place

      I can't say that I have a specific favorite place- which sounds strange! I'm very in touch with nature, so my favorite place is where I can be outdoors and feel at peace. For me it can be many places; driving on back roads with the windows down, walking through fields of wildflowers, or sitting next to a small stream in the woods. The most important factor for me is to use intuition and introspection when I feel calm and carefree. Here is one place that brings me the most serenity: 
Flower fields in Guthrie, OK.

    This is a field of wildflowers in Guthrie, Oklahoma that is native to Oklahoma and only blooms in late spring. It especially helped me during quarantine this year because I was able to take a drive and go sit with the flowers and just breathe fresh air after being stuck in the house. This was a photo I took during quarantine this year. Other places include the Illinois River near Tahlequah and even the interstate when it's empty and I can just listen to music and be carefree!


  1. Oh, I hear you about the outdoors, especially now during the pandemic, Sidney! I feel so lucky that I live in a really rural area with trees all around; I need trees! Looking at this picture made me think of some flower stories in a really lovely book that comes up in the UnTextbook later this semester, and maybe it is something you will enjoy too: legends of the Tejas (Caddo) people; that is where the state of Texas gets its name. Here is the book online: When the Storm God Rides: Tejas and Other Indian Legends link (there are some lovely legends in there about flowers and about trees!)


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