
Showing posts from August, 2020

Time Strategies

      I think that this course may be an adjustment for me given that I've never taken a class that is fully online. One of my most effective strategies is to work on it a little every day and follow my calendar so that I'm not overloaded with work to do. I have a planner and use it religiously to keep track of my work so I may have to put in a little extra to make sure I stay on top of my work without the in-person reminders that I would have with a traditional course! I read "The Psychology of Checklists" and that really resonated for me because crossing stuff off my checklists feels so good and also reminds me of what needs to be done for the day. I also read "The Important Habit of Just Starting", and it was a great reminder because often times I will say I'm going to start at a certain time, and if I pass it then I'll waste even more time!  To-Do List Source:  Forbes


      I really enjoy the setup of this class so far; the fact that we get to use a blog to convey our thoughts in a creative and personal manner is very fun and interesting. I'm not familiar with blogging or most of the tools on the list. However, I have extensively used canvas and the class wiki page is very easy to navigate and super helpful for organization. I'm hoping to be able to get more creative with my blog as we progress with the semester so that it looks more put-together.  Laptop Source:  Brittanica


           I really like the setup of this class because it forces you to learn the material instead of reading to memorize. It also involves creativity which we don't get to use a lot of in college! I also appreciate the extra credit opportunities and I definitely already do Wikipedia trails on my own time, so it will be fun to do them for extra credit!  Oklahoma Memorial Union Source:  OU Create

Growth Mindset

           I am a person who's academic success is largely tied to their self-image and self-worth. I had never heard of Carol Dweck and/or growth mindset prior to this assignment, but after listening, I immediately realized I do have a fixed mindset. Since a lot of my self-worth is tied to academic performance, I tend to stick to subjects and areas where I know that I will succeed for the sake of my ego. I have a fear of failure; anything less than the best makes me feel like a fraud and like I'm not good enough. I have struggled with toxic perfectionism that causes constant anxiety when I feel like I'm mediocre. A lot of my life has been trying to tell myself that no matter my academic performance, whether I make a B or an A, I'm no less of a person and no less intelligent. That GPA number on One does not define me or my worth. One thing I would like to do is branch out and try new things, and if I don't succeed I try again. I need to learn that I'm gaini...


      Hi everyone! My name is Sidney and I'm a sophomore here at OU. I'm studying Economics Pre-Law with minors in Spanish and Political Science. I'm taking this class because I was fully obsessed with Percy Jackson as a child. I love school and I thrive at school! I've wanted to be a lawyer since I was in middle school and I can and will argue with anybody. I work in the oil and gas industry as an accounting clerk and I'm considering pursuing oil and gas law after I get my bachelor's degree. After I graduate from OU, my goal is to go to law school at the University of Texas and live in Dallas after! My favorite course I've taken at the university so far is Intro to Meteorology; I've been obsessed with the weather since I was young which stems from a childhood fear of tornadoes (Oklahoma isn't the best place to live with that phobia), but learning its mechanisms was fascinating to me and I almost switched my major because of how much I loved it. Sadl...

My favorite place

          I can't say that I have a specific favorite place- which sounds strange! I'm very in touch with nature, so my favorite place is where I can be outdoors and feel at peace. For me it can be many places; driving on back roads with the windows down, walking through fields of wildflowers, or sitting next to a small stream in the woods. The most important factor for me is to use intuition and introspection when I feel calm and carefree. Here is one place that brings me the most serenity:  Flower fields in Guthrie, OK.     This is a field of wildflowers in Guthrie, Oklahoma that is native to Oklahoma and only blooms in late spring. It especially helped me during quarantine this year because I was able to take a drive and go sit with the flowers and just breathe fresh air after being stuck in the house. This was a photo I took during quarantine this year. Other places include the Illinois River near Tahlequah and even the interstate when it...