Time Strategies

I think that this course may be an adjustment for me given that I've never taken a class that is fully online. One of my most effective strategies is to work on it a little every day and follow my calendar so that I'm not overloaded with work to do. I have a planner and use it religiously to keep track of my work so I may have to put in a little extra to make sure I stay on top of my work without the in-person reminders that I would have with a traditional course! I read "The Psychology of Checklists" and that really resonated for me because crossing stuff off my checklists feels so good and also reminds me of what needs to be done for the day. I also read "The Important Habit of Just Starting", and it was a great reminder because often times I will say I'm going to start at a certain time, and if I pass it then I'll waste even more time! To-Do List Source: Forbes